A Piece of Moon, A Little Bird.....
You will hear a clear voice first, then you will wonder who it is. Once you looked back, you found yourself listening to Çağıl Kaya . Although he did not choose a familiar style, I am sure that this album will gain the awareness of many of you. What makes him special for me is that I met him from the same school and department, and that I was able to listen to his voice before most of you, which is why I am really happy. When the fullness of his musical background is combined with the positive approach in his view of life, a wonderful work has emerged with the taste of listening to the music.
After receiving a completely different education at the university - he must not have been able to resist the love inside - he entered Dokuz Eylul University Fine Arts Faculty Musicology Department in 2003 and graduated in 2007. Of course, the music dates back to 1998 for him. His adventure, which started in the TRT polyphonic music choir at that time, moved to Istanbul, and after Sibel Köse 's participation in the workshops and Cem Aksel, Neşet Ruacan, İmer Demirer, Alper Yılmaz, Volkan Öktem, Yahya Istanbul jazz festival with names such as Dai, Serkan Özyılmaz, Serhan Erkol, Tamer Temel, Matt Hall, Engin Recepoğulları, Bora Çeliker, Kağan Yıldız, Kürşad Deniz, Burçin Büke, Volkan Hürsever, Deniz Dündar, Kürşat And, Ferit Odman , METU jazz days, He took the stage in numerous festivals and concerts such as Ege University Jazz Days on Campus and Nardis Jazz Club .
Cagil Kaya , who has been performing in different venues with the Happy People group since 2009, continues his pleasant stage work with the project " Something is Missing ", which he created with Alper Yılmaz in 2012. He also gives concerts with Turkey's leading jazz musicians with his own project " Çagil Kaya Band ".
The first album of Cagil Kaya , Bir Piece Moon Little Bird , consists of 9 songs and all the words and compositions are his own, except for the piece named “ Istanbul ”. The lyrics of the song named “ Spring Kaygılı ” are a joint product of Çağıl Kaya and Boran Şentürk . Our beautiful vocals are accompanied by successful musicians such as Kürşad Deniz on the piano, Kağan Yıldız on the double bass, Cem Aksel on the drums, and Serhan Erkol and Tamer Temel on the saxophone. Even the design of the album cover is an indication that they did a different job. Talented designer Kaan Bağcı not only gave the album a soul, but also masterfully brought sound and visuals together with the touches that make the album different.
We will have the chance to listen to the album live at the festival called “ Art on the Street ” organized by İzmir - Konak Municipality on 17 June. Then , on July 4, a concert at Nardis Jazz Club is waiting for us. One Piece Moon, Some Bird , which has been on the shelves with AK Music label, has already been discovered by Turkish Jazz listeners, but I think it will be an enjoyable experience to know and love jazz for music lovers who have not yet discovered it and are not familiar with jazz music.
Editor: Melis Batıbeki ALPARSLAN